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Is your stress preventing you from moving well?

Headaches, stiff necks, achy low backs and whiny knees that cry out loud after a hike are common in my office.

People come to see me after months and years of not being able to return to their favorite activities – training hard at the gym, running or competitive golfing. For some reason, exercise hurts, and the activities they can do seem to be less and less.

When new clients fill out their assessment forms, there are specific questions about their perceived levels of stress and quality of sleep.

How your mind and body experience stress will often determine your ability to move forward with your movement program. Stiffness, tension patterns, holding your breath when you move, often have to do more with how you deal with the challenges of past and present life circumstances and events, than whether you did your stretches in the morning.

Trying to learn new movements and integrate an exercise program on top of stress levels that are not being addressed often leads to frustration and giving up on the very programs that will help you return to full function.

In the past two years, I have been training with the Somatic Experiencing Institute and learning how to integrate strategies for nervous system regulation, which help reduce stress levels and promote resiliency and self-awareness. This has become key in how I develop individual programs for my clients.

Next Friday, I am teaching a small group workshop which will introduce the mains skills and tools you need to start with your own program of stress reduction and nervous system balancing. It’s a playful and fun format, with many practical aspects.

I only have a few spots left, so RSVP today!
